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ECSA webinar | EU Ship Recycling Rules: carrot, stick or illusion? Co-hosted by MEP Jens Gieseke (EPP) and MEP Søren Gade (Renew).
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Provisional agenda
Opening: Martin Dorsman, Secretary General of ECSA
Introductory remarks: MEP Jens Gieseke
Panel discussion
- Representative from Indian authorities
- DG ENVI, European Commission (TBC)
- Ingvild Jenssen, Executive Director, NGO Shipbreaking Platform
- Simon Bergulf, Director for Regulatory Affairs of Maersk A.P. Moller
Moderation: Dr. Martin Kröger, Managing Director of Verband Deutscher Reeder, Chair of Safety and Environment Committee of ECSA
Closing remarks: MEP Søren Gade