In the next webinar, we have invited CWA experts to discuss different cargo types, common claims, and prevent them. You will also get an insight into what kinds of claims the Club deals with, and we will also talk about preventing the loss of containers at sea, which we also highlight in our publication Container focus.
Pierre de Jager, Director, CWA Oil, Gas & Chemicals Department
Dr Caline Sayhoun, Head of Department, CWA Metals & Minerals Department
James Blythe, Food Scientist, CWA Food & Agricultural Commodities Department
The Swedish Club:
Joakim Enström, Loss Prevention Officer
Victor Johansson, Head of Claims P&I and FD&D
Moderator: Lorraine M. Hager, Loss Prevention and Marketing Advisor
We will conclude the webinar with a Q&A session so kindly e-mail us your questions before the webinar at