Företag: Bureau Veritas

Marine Surveyor

With a history that dates back to 1828 Bureau Veritas is one of the world’s leading companies within the marine classification and certification services. Worldwide Bureau Veritas employs more than 69,000 people located in 140 countries. 12,800 ships of total 118 million gross tonnages are classed by Bureau Veritas.

Bureau Veritas Marine & Offshore in Sweden is looking for Marine Surveyors to join its team of highly trained and educated Marine Surveyors at its office in Gårda, Gothenburg, Sweden.

The vacant Marine Surveyor positions will primarily serve our clients in Sweden however, travel activities to other countries must be expected. The job primarily consists of surveys and audits at manufacturers of ships’ and offshore equipment, surveying and auditing of ships in service. This means that you will work on ships, shipyards as well as factories.

Preferable education, qualifications, and characteristics:

  • The preferred candidate focuses on safety first, adding value to our clients and has strong communications skills
  • Formal Qualifications as marine engineer, naval architect or mechanical engineer with experience in shipping
  • Experience as  ISO 9001 or ISO 14001 auditor is regarded as an advantage
  • Good IT-skills
  • Fluent in Swedish and English – both in verbal and writing.

You offer:

  • Enthusiasm and a can-do attitude
  • A willingness to travel to serve our customers in both Sweden, Denmark, Iceland, Faroe Islands and Greenland
  • The flexibility and commitment to work long hours and weekends, if necessary
  • The ability to enter into a teamwork where we share our knowledge and work according to best practices.

We offer:

  • A challenging and independent job in a busy international marine environment
  • Opportunities for personal development and growth within the Bureau Veritas network
  • A tailor-made training program of 3-6 months to ensure individual training needs are meet
  • Remuneration packages in line with the job applicants’ background.


Please send your application letter and CV in the English language not later than September 15th, 2017 to jobb.sverige@se.bureauveritas.com and mark your email “Marine Surveyor Gothenburg”. If you have any questions regarding these job position please contact Marine Chief Executive Bengt Sangberg on +45 20 88 89 01.

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